Spiral Embrace Dreamwork & Life Coach

"Dream Handbook" Digital Download

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Don't we all need a little reminder when writing or processing our dreams? Sometimes a  quick suggestion for sleep hygiene while preparing for bed can help us shake up a stale routine.

Find great tips and insights in this compact pamphlet, just the right size for a page keeper for your dream journal. Keep near your bedside and pull it out whenever you need a refresh of your current sleep and dream practices.

Take your Dream Journal to the next level with suggestions for Sleep Incubation, Journal Prompts, and Dream Recall all in one place: where you need it, when you need it!

Did you know that I created this as a cheat sheet for my own journal? I used  to write techniques in the front and back covers but then as the journals would fill up, the tips would be left on a shelf. So, I made a master sheet and used it as a page holder! And now I offer it to you. Anyone who sees me in person gets a printed copy, now international dreamers have access to it too.

Enjoy this download!


(If you prefer one to be sent by mail, please send an email to: spiralembrace@gmail.com with subject line "Dream Handbook" and your name and mailing address, I will gladly send you one. These are printed on 8 1/2" x 11" sturdy cardstock, trifolded. I've had my prototype in my journal for a year already and is holding up astoundingly!)